Thursday, January 29, 2009

New Direction Home


I've heard Sunday morning is the most racially divided time in America. What about Saturday night? What about at Neumos or the War Room or Chop Suey depending on who is playing? Why do musical genres often correspond with racial divides? 

In the wake of Ryan Adams and Jeff Tweedy, we used to be a country band. Then Michael, noisemaker extraodinaire, joined the band and we started adding noises to our folky tunes. Now we make some ambient/folk-rock that borrows heavily from Grizzly Bear, Damien Jurado and Fleet Foxes. Sometimes I think it doesn't hold a candle to the music it borrows from. But what if...

We morphed again. I long to make soulful songs. Songs that you can bob your head as well as wrap your mind around. What if we, in a calculated attempt to stand out and make music that I hear in my head instead of emulate with my head, followed my gut hesitation that indie music is a white music mostly and included soul in our ambient musical attempts? What If we could play a show and it would draw both listeners of Broken Social Scene and Sam Cooke? 

Michael and I made this on a whim. I sang over a repetitive loop he emailed me while I was pooping and surfing the web. And I kind of like it and we are trying to integrate it into our live show...

1 comment:

  1. there's this band you should check out.
